Thursday, October 21, 2021

WIP #1 - Daiwa Scarlet/VLX Mishmash Mad Catz TE


EDIT (10/07/2023): I finished this build however it took a different direction, here's a link to the finished build. - 

To keep my blog active, I thought I would document the building of this stick. Since it actually does have more going into it than most of my other builds. My plan is to complete this build before 2022, I still have a couple months left (I still have a bunch of other builds left too, but uh I'll finish those eventually too). 

Anyways, lets start at things that are mostly finished. 


Artwork Design 

I've been wanting to do a design with Daiwa Scarlet since she's my 2nd favorite out of the Uma Mumuse series, but I've never really got a good idea on what to design. So playing around with a couple artworks and placing it behind a basic background, I eventually made something I liked. For some reason I had an idea to just put the VLX design in there too and I'd say it fits fairly well. Some might prefer it without the anime character, but this is my stick so she stays.


These might look like regular Sanwa OBSC buttons, but they are mechanical switch buttons I found on AliExpress. They are pretty interesting, and cheaper than the other options. 

They originally came with MX-Blue style clones soldered onto a PCB. These were fine, but after messing around with one, I figured out that the switch mounts via the top so if I removed this PCB then I can put pretty much any MX styled switch in there. I'm not 100% sure on what switches to put in, but currently there's Novelkeys x Kailh Linear Cream switches. They kind of feel like a lighter Seimitsu button.

I'll talk more about connecting these to a PCB later in the post.

Case Choice

This I'm still not 100% sure on. I own quite a bit of arcade sticks so I can fit the artwork to any other stick I own. However I do own way too many Mad Catz TE (I want to say around 10), so I feel like I should get to customizing those first or just sell some of them. So I decided to go with the TE really for how the buttons are attached (which I'll talk about later) to a PCB. Ultimately this can change, but I think I'll go through with it mainly because I like the case design (I wouldn't own 10 if I didn't) and the bezel and side panels can add more customization. 

Non Finished/Undecided 


The stock PCB on early Mad Catz arcade sticks are pretty ass when it comes to PC (which is my main "console"). So there's a good possibility that I'll change the PCB to a Brook board. Which one? Still don't know. Not sure if I'm going to make this one of my main sticks or something that just stays around the house and is used casually or with friends. I was also considering a pad hack, but we'll see. The Mad Catz PCB also come with a daughter board when it comes to connecting their buttons. It's pretty cool and one of the reason why I chose this stick for this build. 

Basically the idea I had when it came to connecting the MX buttons to the board is to trim one side of the connection cable and solder that to a Kailh hotswap. Then I'll basically have a quick disconnect for the buttons and I can test out other switches, if I decide too. This should work, really the only issue comes if the kailh hotswaps will fall off the switch progs. Other than that everything else should be fine (in theory).


I'll probably go with either a JLF or Seimitsu LS-32. As for balltop, I did like those Seimistu's marble ball tops, but they might be out of stock currently (and may never come back). ParadiseArcadeShop also has some cool ball tops so I might go with one of those too.  

Plexi or Adhesive?

Currently I'm using an adhesive print for the artwork. I've been testing adhesive printing mainly on sticks that don't have plexi pre available for them (i.e Hori EX2, Hori VX/V3, Mad Catz SE).  This has gone decent for the most part. Personally I go with Walgreens printing. Their prices are pretty good and discounts happen often. Shipping is quick or you can even do same day pick up. The only issues I've had is I'd like for the material to be a little thicker, adhesive seems good for the most part, but if you touch it a lot then it'll unstick to the surface pretty easily. Lastly is that you kind of have to indicate that the print is an adhesive order. I do this by having text on the print saying that it's an adhesive order. I was having issues where the person printing it either ignored it or didn't notice and sent me a regular poster. Then there's other issues of using adhesive, you have to cut it out yourself and worry about air bubbles which is really annoying. Plexi is another option, but my main issue with plexi is how it handles heat, mainly humidity. It just flexes and it can also ruin the cardstock. Also for the skinnier plexis they flex pretty easily. That's kind of the reasoning I've been going with adhesive, since it doesn't have those issues, but it still does bring in issue of it's own. Also $10 > $25, I'll probably get another print of the artwork to get a cleaner cut.


I like adding a detachable cable to my builds. Mainly because I feel like arcade stick (specifically higher priced ones) should already come with this. Having a detachable cable makes storage easier too. I usually like adding a GX-12 cable since they are pretty easy to make and the mounting doesn't take that much room in the case. Depending on the PCB I might have a GX-16 detachable aspect to have regular USB or Type C support. Really all I have to decide is what paracord to use. I usually don't add Tech Flex, but I might for these cables. I'll probably do a tutorial on how to add a GX-12 or GX-16 port to an arcade stick so look forward to that whenever that comes.

Bezel/Side Panels 

And last we have the Bezel and Side Panels. The Mad Catz TE is pretty cool for this aspect and does add a lot of customization options to the build. You can find different color bezels on eBay, but side panels (thicker ones) aren't as common. Although for the slim panels, Buttercade does have his service for printing new ones. I might go that route or if the regular black side panels look good in the end then stick with those. I have a cool idea for the bezel, but I'm not sure how I'll able to achieve it. 


That is about it currently. I might do another WIP in the future before the complete build. If you read all of this then thanks. I am not sponsored by anything I mentioned. If you'd like to help me with this build (or any future ones) then consider commissioning me for some Photoshop work. Until next time. 

- globe

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